DR3 Fastpitch Blog

Mastering the Art of Composure: Lessons for Pitching Mar 20, 2024

Embracing the Heat of the Moment

How often have you found yourself on the pitcher's mound, feeling the game's pressure, your grip tightening on the ball as if it were your anchor in a sea of expectations? In these moments, our emotions can mirror a high-stakes game; anger and frustration bubble...

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The Importance of Mental Toughness Jan 30, 2024

Have you guys checked out Coach D's FREE paper - "The Importance of Mental Toughness in Fastpitch Softball" ?? If you haven't you're missing out!! 

Coach D outlines the typical challenges your player will face and ways to improve her mental Toughness though:

  1. Setting clear goals
  2. Developing...
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The Mentality Series - 2 Nov 01, 2023

Check out our first part of The Mentality Series to catch up on what you missed! The Mentality Series 1

Embracing Change: The Key to Athletic Success

Change is the only constant in sports, and elite athletes know how to adapt. In this blog post, we delve into the importance of adaptability...

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The Mentality Series - 1 Oct 29, 2023

The Foundation of Mental Flexibility in Athletics

Flexibility in sports goes beyond physical prowess; it's about having a flexible mindset. In this blog post, we explore the core principles of mental flexibility that are essential for elite athletes. We'll dive into the significance of being open...

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How to Build Independent Learners During Group Lessons Oct 17, 2023
A few tips for working with different ages/skill sets during group sessions:
1) Plan ahead: Prepare different lesson plans with structure for each girls’ needs. I like using my whiteboards to write everything down so my girls have instructions in front of them the whole time. 
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The Challenges of Navigating Puberty While Being a Female Athlete Oct 11, 2023

One of the hardest things mentally for a youth softball player to deal with while going through body changes and the puberty process is the potential impact on their performance and self-confidence.  Here are specific challenges they may face:

  1. Inconsistent Performance
  2. Loss of control
  3. ...
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Mental Approach to Hitting With Different Counts Sep 24, 2023

Lets talk your mental approach with different counts...

3-1 count: As a hitter this is one of the BEST counts to be in.  You have the pitcher beat and she has to come to you!  In this count we aren't chasing anything and are looking for our favorite pitch to hit.  One of my...

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From Slump to Triumph: Overcoming Performance Plateaus Sep 18, 2023

As players, we've all been in a slump or two in our career ... if you haven't, just wait it's coming!  Slumps are a part of the game and something we will all experience as we grow.  Some helpful tips I learned as I navigated and overcame my slumps are: 

1. Trust my mechanics and...

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The Importance of Setting Goals as an Athlete Sep 15, 2023

Setting goals is a cornerstone of athletic success, guiding athletes on a path of continuous improvement and achievement. Goals provide a clear direction, helping athletes focus their efforts and energies on specific areas of their performance. They serve as motivation, igniting the drive to push...

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Adversity in Fastpitch Softball Sep 11, 2023

Adversity in fastpitch softball is an inevitable challenge that every player will encounter. From unexpected weather conditions to fierce opponents and personal setbacks, adversity tests both the physical and mental resilience of athletes. These moments of difficulty provide opportunities for...

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