DR3 Fastpitch Blog

Lets Talk Changeups! Nov 17, 2023

At any level, specifically the elite level, it is important to mix speeds and have a good changeup because it increases the chances of getting the batter to make an out. A good changeup can disrupt the timing of the batter, making it more difficult for them to make solid contact with the ball....

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The Mentality Series - 2 Nov 01, 2023

Check out our first part of The Mentality Series to catch up on what you missed! The Mentality Series 1

Embracing Change: The Key to Athletic Success

Change is the only constant in sports, and elite athletes know how to adapt. In this blog post, we delve into the importance of adaptability...

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The Mentality Series - 1 Oct 29, 2023

The Foundation of Mental Flexibility in Athletics

Flexibility in sports goes beyond physical prowess; it's about having a flexible mindset. In this blog post, we explore the core principles of mental flexibility that are essential for elite athletes. We'll dive into the significance of being open...

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FREE E-Book from Coach D on Navigating Puberty as a Female Athlete Oct 25, 2023

Don't forget to get you FREE download of Coach D's E-Book, From Growth Spurts to Curveballs: Navigating Puberty in Fastpitch Softball.

Check out our post about what Coach D walks you through in her book to help your daughter #LEVELUP and become the best athlete she can be!  >> The...

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How to Build Independent Learners During Group Lessons Oct 17, 2023
A few tips for working with different ages/skill sets during group sessions:
1) Plan ahead: Prepare different lesson plans with structure for each girls’ needs. I like using my whiteboards to write everything down so my girls have instructions in front of them the whole time. 
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Pitching Styles: Embrace Your Unique Approach Oct 13, 2023

Aspiring softball pitchers often find inspiration in watching elite athletes like Montana Fouts for Alabama. It's natural to admire and aspire to emulate these high-profile athletes, and there's no doubt that Montana's pitching style is nothing short of impressive. But here's the thing: pitching...

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The Challenges of Navigating Puberty While Being a Female Athlete Oct 11, 2023

One of the hardest things mentally for a youth softball player to deal with while going through body changes and the puberty process is the potential impact on their performance and self-confidence.  Here are specific challenges they may face:

  1. Inconsistent Performance
  2. Loss of control
  3. ...
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College Softball: Rewards and Sacrifices Oct 07, 2023

College softball is not for the weak - between 5am lifts, two a day practices, study hall, and the pressure of performing, it takes a special athlete to compete at the collegiate level.  However, the benefits of fighting through all of those not so fun aspects is beyond words.  

One of...

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From Growth Spurts to Curveballs : SNEAK PEEK Oct 03, 2023

If you haven't already - download Coach D's NEW E-Book: From Growth Spurts to Curveballs

This is a FREE download for parents, players, and coaches!! Click the link below to get your copy today:

Check out Page 6 below!

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The Importance of Listening to Your Body and Advocating for Yourself Oct 02, 2023

YOU are your biggest advocate.  In your day to day life and especially in your sports career it is crucial for you to advocate for yourself when something isn't right.

One of my biggest regrets in my career is allowing a coach to tell me "I was fine" and that "I didn't know how to handle...

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