DR3 Fastpitch Blog

Softball Pitching: Turning "Someday" into "Same Day" Success Aug 05, 2024

Softball pitching, as in life, the temptation to delay action until "someday" is a common pitfall. We often convince ourselves that we'll pursue our goals or make significant changes when the timing is just right or when conditions are perfect. But the truth is, "someday" rarely arrives, and...

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The Art of Softball Pitching: Embrace the Present Moment Aug 03, 2024

In the fast-paced world of softball pitching, success often hinges on one crucial element: the present moment. Just like in life, where we're constantly pulled towards the allure of "someday" or "somewhere else," softball pitchers must learn to focus on the here and now to excel on the mound.


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Unlocking Your Softball Pitching Potential through Self-Confidence Jun 22, 2024

Self-confidence isn't just a personal trait; it's a crucial asset in softball pitching. Here's how to build and harness your self-confidence to unlock your full potential on the mound.

Confront Your Fears: Like athletes, softball pitchers face fears and doubts. Whether it's fear of failure...

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