DR3 Fastpitch Blog

Exploring Meditation Techniques for Softball Pitchers Aug 23, 2024

In the high-pressure world of softball pitching, finding moments of calm and focus can be invaluable. One powerful tool for achieving this state is meditation. While the concept of meditation may seem daunting at first, various techniques cater to different preferences and needs. Here, we explore...

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Softball Pitching: Turning "Someday" into "Same Day" Success Aug 05, 2024

Softball pitching, as in life, the temptation to delay action until "someday" is a common pitfall. We often convince ourselves that we'll pursue our goals or make significant changes when the timing is just right or when conditions are perfect. But the truth is, "someday" rarely arrives, and...

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Unlocking Your Pitching Potential Through Journaling: Tips and Techniques Jun 06, 2024

Are you ready to improve your softball pitching game? Whether you're an advanced player or just starting out, journaling can be a powerful tool for enhancing your performance on the mound. In this blog, we'll explore the art of journaling and how you can leverage it to optimize your pitching...

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