DR3 FastpitchΒ Blog

Miss Sophia - In Person Lesson Tips Oct 19, 2023

Sofia working on separation & whip patterns πŸ₯Ž

Focusing on her hips leading and staying stacked through release πŸ’―
Struggling with getting your absolutes down? Check out my Online Membership, 3 Day Free Trial πŸ₯Ž
Grow Your IQ this Fall/Winter πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’― Learn about: 
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The Challenges of Navigating Puberty While Being a Female Athlete Oct 11, 2023

One of the hardest things mentally for a youth softball player to deal with while going through body changes and the puberty process is the potential impact on their performance and self-confidence.  Here are specific challenges they may face:

  1. Inconsistent Performance
  2. Loss of control
  3. ...
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DR3 Online Pitching Membership Spin Library Oct 05, 2023

DR3 is a community like no other for parents and players because Coach D consistently updates and advances her teaching material as your player grows and advances.  If you're new here we strongly recommend reading up on the benefits of the DR3 Online Membership >> A Guide to the...

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From Growth Spurts to Curveballs : SNEAK PEEK Oct 03, 2023

If you haven't already - download Coach D's NEW E-Book: From Growth Spurts to Curveballs

This is a FREE download for parents, players, and coaches!! Click the link below to get your copy today:

Check out Page 6 below!

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The Importance of Listening to Your Body and Advocating for Yourself Oct 02, 2023

YOU are your biggest advocate.  In your day to day life and especially in your sports career it is crucial for you to advocate for yourself when something isn't right.

One of my biggest regrets in my career is allowing a coach to tell me "I was fine" and that "I didn't know how to handle...

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Evaluate to Elevate: Personal Video Evaluations by Coach D Sep 30, 2023

Coach D offers TWO video evaluation options to help your pitcher #Elevate and #Dominate in the circle! Check out the packages below and click the link for more information! >>> DR3 Video Evaluation <<<

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Ground Force & Whip Pitching Drills Sep 29, 2023
Ground force & whip focus for these two! πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’― Fine tuning their ABSOLUTES as highschool season is in full swing! Interested in learning more about the Absolutes of Pitching? Check out my Online Pitching Membership 2.0 πŸ‘€πŸ”₯πŸ’―πŸ’ͺ🏽
10th grade Online Members @brinley_kate & @ashlyncarltonnn working...
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Double Play: Balancing Softball with School and Social Life Sep 28, 2023

The term "Student Athlete" can feel both like a badge of honor and a burden at the same time.  It's difficult to be an athlete, a friend, a daughter, and a student all at the same time.  One of the most important lessons to learn early in your journey of being a student athlete is time...

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The Absolutes for Better Landing & Delivery! Sep 27, 2023
Working with 10u Pitcher Miss Grayson, going over a few absolutes to help fine tune her landing & delivery πŸ₯Ž
She’s using the @performancepitch & @pitchsqueak linked on my website under Partnerships/Equipment πŸ₯Ž DR3 Equipment Link
Want to learn more about the...
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Pitching Tool: Queen of the Hill Sep 26, 2023
It’s time to #LEVELUP your at home training & I have all the resources for you πŸ₯Ž Take a look at my Online Pitching Membership πŸ’―πŸ”₯πŸ’ͺ🏽
dr3fastpitch.com➑️DR3FastpitchU➑️Pitching 201: Online Pitching Membership 
#DeepBreath #NextPitch #LEVELUP 
One of my favorite...
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