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Pitching is Very Similar to Hitting

#trainthebrain #nextlevel #levelup #deepbreath #nextpitch #dr3fastpitch #pitchinglessons #pitchingdrills #softballpitching #softballplayer #softball #pitching #fastpitch #fastpitchpitching #pitcher #softballdream #softballtraining #softballlessons #softballcoach #softballstrong #softballdrills #musclememory #fastpitch #fastpitchsoftball #fastpitchgirl #fastpitchmom #fastpitchdad fastpitchhitting fastpitchpitching hitting swing swingthebat Mar 05, 2023
Pitching, hitting, throwing, running…. So many similarities throughout movement patterns. Most girls have been running longer than playing softball. Most girls have been hitting longer than pitching. 
Make the connections!!! Combine the movements. Make the brain see / feel the similarities. 
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